
Seattle-Everett Interurban Trolley Online Videos

Seattle-Everett Interurban Trolley

The Lynnwood-Alderwood Manor Heritage Association in a partnership with the City of Lynnwood’s History and Heritage Board have created six videos highlighting the history of the Seattle-Everett Interurban Trolley that ran between Seattle and Everett from 1910 and 1939. Videos include the construction of the line, the purchase of six trolley cars and the stops along the way. Also included is the restoration of Car No. 55 and the history of Puget Mill’s Demonstration Farm in Alderwood Manor. Funding for the project was received through a Snohomish County Historic Preservation grant.


Today the restored Niles Car No. 55 Trolley can be seen at Heritage Park in Lynnwood during special events and by appointments for group tours.

The videos can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/@lynnwoodalderwoodmanorheri6296

Better Know a Volunteer: Sharon Jungers

Were you in Pegasus Patrol? Do you know anyone who was? If not, you’re about to meet one.

Sharon Border was born in Seattle in 1943, and six weeks later, her family moved in to the house they’d built on 5.5 acres on Poplar Way. Sharon attended Alderwood Grade School, Lynnwood Junior High, and graduated from Edmonds High School in 1961. Shortly after graduation, she married her high school sweetheart, Bill Jungers, whom she’d known since junior high. Continue reading

Better Know a Volunteer: Jan Nofziger

Pop quiz: Can you name someone at Alderwood Manor Heritage Association who was in the first graduating class of Meadowdale High School? One answer is Jan (Canfield) Nofziger.

Jan was born in Seattle, but her family moved to Beech Road in Alderwood Manor the following year to a three-acre chicken farm. After graduating from Meadowdale in 1965, she attended Seattle Pacific College, where she received a B.A. in Elementary Education.

Following college, Jan got married and moved to Ohio for Voluntary Service Continue reading

Better Know a Volunteer: Linda Myers

“All in all, in spite of a few bumps in the road, I was a pretty lucky, lucky Alderwood Manor kid.”

If you’ve been a volunteer at Alderwood Manor Heritage Association, especially if you’ve been a host, then you probably know Linda Myers. Linda is our host coordinator, recruiting and scheduling wonderful volunteers to greet visitors at the cottage. If you’ve been to one of our programs at the Alderwood Manor Youth Club, you’ve probably seen Linda’s shining smile greeting you at the door.

Even if you’ve never volunteered at AMHA or been to our programs, you may still know Linda, or know of her: Continue reading

Chicken Farming—The Way It Really Was—REALLY!

by Ray Pennock, June 1999

So you have all studied history and know all there is to know about the history of the chicken farms and early Alderwood Manor!  Certainly the number of chicken houses that were built, the thousands of baby chicks and their incubators are well documented.  The millions of nourishing eggs that were produced is also legendary.  And the fryers—well, no picnic could possibly be called a success without three or four ladies bringing delicious servings of fried chicken.  End of story? Continue reading