The following is from the 1922 Spring Edition of the Alderwood Manor Countryside newspaper.
When one stops to think that three years ago Alderwood Manor was but the beginning of a great project, and that today it has among its many other conveniences that of having the big city dailies delivered to the homes, one can in a measure guage (sic) the wonderful Alderwood Manor spirit of which every visitor speaks. The industry, and energy of the Little Landers is no better evidenced than in the new business venture of P. Wigen, a resident of subdivision 4.
Providing himself with an automobile which he converted into a modern paper delivery wagon, Wigen began his work of establishing his various paper routes. Arrangements were made by him whereby the Seattle dailies are shipped to him on the limited interurban cars, with the result that those to whom he delivers have their papers at the same time the newsboys are making deliveries there.
The services of P. Wigen has won for him many patrons. Helping him, Wigen has his son, who is just completing his high school education. Besides handling the Seattle dailies, Wigen is the agent for the Ladies Home Journal, the Saturday Evening Post, the country Gentleman and other magazines. He takes orders for any magazine his patrons may care to obtain and gives in each instance prompt delivery.
*Peter Wigen and his wife Agnes moved to Alderwood Manor from Wiley City, Yakima County where he was a labor on a fruit farm. Both Peter and Agnes were Swedish immigrants. In the 1930 census Peter is listed as a Real Estate Salesman.
Note: “limited interurban cars” made few stops if any between Seattle and Everett and did not carry freight.